

Aristotle is a political data-management software company that specializes in data-mining voter data for political campaigns.Aristotle is the global leader in providing technology to political campaigns and organizations, offering a seamless solution for campaign software, voter data, PAC and grassr... Read more

Org chart

Profile photo

John Aristotle Phillips

Andreas Katsouris' profile picture
Andreas Katsouris
Senior Vice President, Global Services
Andrew Tavani's profile picture
Andrew Tavani
Executive Vice President of National Data
Blair Richardson
General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer
Brandi Travis' profile picture
Brandi Travis
Chief Marketing Officer
Buck Stoll's profile picture
Buck Stoll
President of Sales
David Mason's profile picture
David Mason
General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
Dean Phillips
Drew D.
Vice President of Product, Political Campaigns
Erica Sander
Vice President Government Relations
Katie Anderson
Senior Vice President, Consulting
Lindsey Dickson
Vice President
Mathew Packer
Chief Operating Officer, Integrity
Rob Christ
EVP, Mergers, Acquisitions and Professional Services
Walter Howard
Chief Information Officer