The Human Resources team at Austin Powder Company is responsible for managing all aspects of employee relations, including recruitment, training, benefits administration, and compliance with safety and health regulations. They ensure that the company maintains a productive and safe working environment, supports leadership development, and provides essential services to all employees across various departments.
Amirul Ashraf bin Ja...
Human Resources Intern
Atiqah Marlan
Assistant Manager Human Resour...
Carol Sedlacko Shrm-...
Senior Manager, Compensation &...
Deb Abramo
Human Resource Information Sys...
Kim Orr
Human Resources Information Sy...
Loretta Whaley
Human Resources Business Partn...
Lucas Barbieri
Human Resources Manager
Mauro Abregu
SHES Manager
Nicole Hoover
Senior Manager Leadership Deve...
Victoria Wittig
Sr. Human Resources Coordinato...