Australia China Business Council


Founded in 1973, ACBC actively promotes two-way trade and investment, and economic cooperation and understanding, between the business communities of Australia and China. ACBC plays an influential role as an advisor to the Australian Government on commercial relations with China. The ACBC strongly... Read more




Org chart

David Olsson
President And Board Chair

David Olsson

Jingmin Qian
Vice President
James Ashbridge
Non-executive Director
Jenny Chen
ACT Branch Executive Director
Laura Mattiazzi
Non-executive Director
Matthew Schofield
VIC Branch Executive Director
James Clarke
President (wa)
Lili Pan
Executive Vice President (wa)
Isabel Zhang
Vice President
James Young
Vice President
Alison Choy Flannigan
Co-chair, Health & Ageing Subcommittee
Stan Roche
Co-chair Capital Markets Industry Group
Marianne Lloyd-Morgan
Executive Committee Member
Christyke Zhang
Project & Marketing Manager