Dominic Schmidt

Non-Executive Director at AviadoBio

Dominic Schmidt is General Partner at Advent Life Sciences. Dominic has a background in biochemistry, genomics, molecular oncology, strategy consulting and life science venture capital. Prior to joining Advent, he spent eight years as a Partner in the investment team of Syncona, a publicly listed healthcare investment company. During his time there he was involved in the founding, funding and building of several life science businesses and served on the Boards of Anaveon, Orbit Biomedical (merged with Gyroscope), Gyroscope Therapeutics (acquired by Novartis for up to $1.5 billion), Purespring Therapeutics and Forcefield Therapeutics.

After gaining a German Diplom Degree in Biochemistry from the Free University of Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics he received a Ph.D. from the Department of Oncology at the University of Cambridge. Dominic was a Cancer Research UK scholar, and his research has been published in Cell, Nature and Science. His Ph.D. thesis was recognized with the Pontecorvo and Science and SciLife Lab Prizes.