Ang Miah Khiang

Independent Director at Baker Technology Ltd

Appointed to the Board on 1 November 2013, Mr Ang was last re-elected as Director on 26 April 2019. Mr Ang chairs the Audit Committee and is also a member of the Remuneration Committee. Mr Ang is due to retire by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and will be seeking re-election as Director at the AGM. Mr Ang spent the greater part of his career in the small-medium enterprise financing business, having held the position of Managing Director of GE Commercial Financing (S) Ltd (formerly known as Heller Financial (S) Ltd). He was also concurrently regional director for GE related businesses in the Asia Pacific. He was previously an independent director of SK Jewellery Group Limited and PS Group Holdings Ltd. Mr Ang holds a Bachelor of Accountancy degree from the University of Singapore.