Crystal Walters

Senior Managing Director at BBG

Crystal Walters has over 14 years of experience in the environmental due diligence industry. She has conducted Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for a wide range of local and national clients, including banks, agency lenders, investment banks, life companies, law firms and property owners. The properties she has evaluated have included multifamily residential, retail, office, industrial and hospitality facilities.

Ms. Walters has conducted hundreds of ESAs in accordance with ASTM E1527, the USEPA All Appropriate Inquiry rules, Fannie Mae Delegated Underwriting Standards, Freddie Mac guidelines and other client specific scopes of work. Based on her experience and education, he meets the definition of an Environmental Professional as defined in §312.10 of 40 CFR 312. Her environmental background includes a detailed understanding of the risks associated with hazardous and regulated materials storage, use generation and disposal, above ground and underground storage tanks and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), as well as the ASTM non-scope considerations of asbestos, lead-based paint, radon and microbial growth.

Additional areas of environmental experience include conducting due diligence Phase II Environmental Site Assessments for a variety of properties, permitting stream and wetland impacts and permitting for municipal water and wastewater treatment facilities. In addition, routine sampling of groundwater, drinking water, and wastewater for various properties including municipal landfills, wastewater treatment plants, chemical plants, and other commercial properties. Throughout her career she has held the following licenses or certifications as required by her responsibilities: SC DHEC AHERA Asbestos Inspector (BI-00830), NC DHHS Lead based Paint Inspector (110193), and Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector.

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