Sunil Shah

Sunil Shah is the CEO of Opal Oncology. In 2013, bucking a pattern of UK Science going to the USA for funding, Sunil acted quickly to lead an academic spin-out from the USA with promising data in brain cancer and proceeded to run, externally fund and locate that company, Opal Oncology, in the UK. It provided direct hands-on experience of making scientific decisions and managing the operations of a therapeutics company. Through the leadership at Opal Oncology, Sunil has been an active member of the BIA.

Sunil Shah is a serial entrepreneur having begun his career in the Life Sciences team at PA Consulting group followed by co-founding two companies in the information technology and life sciences sector. The second of these companies, Oxygen Healthcare Ltd was acquired by Piramal Enterprises Ltd (BSE: PEL). Sunil has a degree in Biochemistry and an MBA from Cambridge University. Although, through the BIA Sunil is known for leading Opal Oncology, he is better known in biotech circles for being one of two co-founders behind the o2h Group.

Sunil is also the CEO of the o2h Group. The o2h Group has developed an engine for seeding a pipeline of early stage life science assets through research collaborations, in-licensing, spin-outs & investments. The DNA of o2h is centred around the nurturing of its people, values and culture, it reflects this in the way we work with each other, as well as our collaborators and partners.