Geoff Price

VP, Valuations and Financial Consulting at BIA/Kelsey

Vice President Geoff Price manages and operates BIA/Kelsey’s valuation consulting group. He has been with the company since 1988 and has appraised hundreds of media and telecommunications properties worth in aggregate in the tens of billions of dollars.

Price is responsible for the preparation of asset appraisals, valuation studies, strategic consulting assignments, and litigation support for clients in the communications and broadcast industries. He has also been responsible for assisting many publicly traded and privately held broadcast companies with their valuation needs associated with FASB 141/142. In addition, Price is part of the business development team and is responsible for client relationships with many of the largest broadcast companies nationwide. His appraisal and valuation experience is diverse, including reports for firms in the cellular, paging, SMR, cable, print, tower and broadcast industries.

Price earned a B.S. in finance from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, and received his M.B.A. from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.