Bolden Group


The Charles F. Bolden Group is a consortium of accomplished leaders and problem solvers with extensive experience leading complex organizations in challenging environments. The company was founded in 2017 by Charles F. Bolden Jr. to foster international collaboration in making life better for all hu... Read more





Org chart

A. Ché Bolden
Chairman and President

A. Ché Bolden

Kelly M. Bolden
Director and EVP, Health Initiatives
Dava J. Newman
Health Initiatives Natl. Security Space & Aerospace STEM+AD
Leo V. Williams III
Health Initiatives Natl. Security
Joan Higginbotham
Space / Aerospace STEM+AD
Lindsay L. Rodman
Natl. Security
Cara E. Lapointe
Natl. Security
Jeri Buchholz
Natl. Security Space STEM+AD
Geoffrey L. Yoder
Space / Aerospace
Jere L. Simpson
Natl. Security
Richard J. Allain
Aerospace Natl. Security STEM+AD
Scott Cooper
Aerospace Natl. Security
Renee Wynn
Natl. Security STEM+AD
Kathryn Manuel
Director and VP, Administration
Mikaley Bolden
Director and VP, Youth Outreach
Penny Bolden
Director and VP, Coroporate Social Responsibility and Philanthropy