Bone Dry Roofing, Inc


In business since 1989, Bone Dry Roofing's office in Indianapolis is the headquarters of our business, which includes 11 total offices across five states. Our company has been family owned and operated since the day it opened - we are not a franchise! We have built our reputation over the years one... Read more

Org chart

Gene Judd's profile picture
Gene Judd
Owner And CEO
Profile photo

Gene Judd

Judd Haag's profile picture
Judd Haag
Chief Information Officer
Matthew Tyner's profile picture
Matthew Tyner
Chief Marketing Officer
Tony Bartlett's profile picture
Tony Bartlett
General Manager
Paul Darst's profile picture
Paul Darst
Multi Trade Division Manager
Ryan Linder
Director Corporate Development
Brandon Santee
Division Manager
Sam Masbaum
Repairs Division Manager
Shaun Dunning
Regional Manager
Steve Cooper
General Manager
Caleb Flanagan
General Manager
Grant Casteel
General Manager
Jade Marsh
General Manager
Oliver Perrelle
Regional Manager
Wes Hayes
Regional Manager
Billy Smith
Chief Operating Officer