Broadcast Music, Inc. was founded in 1939 by forward-thinkers who wanted to represent songwriters in emerging genres, like jazz, blues, and country, and protect the public performances of their music. Operating on a non-profit-making basis, BMI is now the largest music rights organization in the U.S... Read more





Org chart

Michael O’Neill's profile picture
Michael O’Neill
President and CEO
Profile photo

Michael O’Neill

Michael Steinberg's profile picture
Michael Steinberg
EVP, Chief Revenue & Creative Officer
Alison Smith's profile picture
Alison Smith
EVP, Chief Distribution & Publisher Relations Officer
Bruce A. Esworthy's profile picture
Bruce A. Esworthy
SVP, Finance & Administration and CFO
Sandye Taylor's profile picture
Sandye Taylor
SVP & Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
Nada Latto's profile picture
Nada Latto
SVP, Human Resources & Chief Human Resources Officer
Stuart Rosen's profile picture
Stuart Rosen
SVP & Chief Legal Officer
Liz Fischer
SVP, Corporate Communications & Marketing
John Coletta
SVP & Managing Director, International
Pamela Williams
VP, Legal & Business Affairs/Corporate Secretary
Tracy McKnight
VP, Film, TV & Visual Media
Michael Collins
VP, Government Relations
Glenda Hart
VP, Special Projects
Jodi Saal
SVP, Corporate Planning
Russ Blose
VP, Corporate Analytics & Development
Jack Flynn
AVP, Chain Sales
Brian Greenfield
AVP, Enterprise Applications
Steve Ogden
AVP, Customer Relations
Evelyn Morgan
AVP, International & Business Relations
Karen Buse
Managing Director International
Byron Wright
Executive Director, Atlanta
Mitch Ballard
Executive Director, Creative, Austin
Tom Kershaw
Chief Technology Officer
Fred Cannon. Kchs
Senior Vice President- Government Relations
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