Bruce Terminix Company



Terminix Triad provides termite and pest control services in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, Burlington and the Triad of NC.




Org chart

Burns Blackwell
President & CEO

Burns Blackwell

Juanita Ellis
VP, HR & Business Strategy
Cathy Edwards
Brandi Reid
Technical Director
Greg Spencer
Regional Manager
David Moore
Director of Operations
Megan Squires
Branch Manager, Asheboro
Bradley Renegar
Branch Manager, Mt. Airy
Ronnie Little
Burlington Branch Manager
Thomas Cheek
Business Support Manager
Justin Porter
Eden Branch Manager
Akeem Hale
Branch Manager, Greensboro
David Tawney
Regional Manager
Tyler Whitesell
Branch Manager, Pittsboro
Patrick Collins
South Greensboro Branch Manager
Jay Coble
South Winston-Salem Branch Manager
Mike Ford
Stokesdale Branch Manager
Justin Huffman
Branch Manager, Winston-Salem
Kevin Webb
Boone Branch Manager
Brandy Davis
High Point Branch Manager
Patrick Haley
NE Greensboro Branch Manager
Kevin Kimrey
Commercial Services Branch Manager
Keisha Finger
Elkin Branch Manager
Kristina Nelson
Talent Acquisition Leader
Zachary Stanley
Wildlife Manager
Katherine Williams
Director, Information Technology