Tania Anjani Prabaningrum

Digital Content Specialist at Buttonscarves

Tania Anjani Prabaningrum has a strong background in digital content creation and graphic design. Tania Anjani currently works as a Digital Content Specialist for Buttonscarves, where they are responsible for maintaining brand identity across various visuals. Tania Anjani'stasks include designing website banners, campaign pages, and newsletters, as well as creating special content needs such as socialization materials and promotions. Tania Anjani also handles in-store visuals, print-out designs, billboards, and advertisements. Tania collaborates with other departments to support programs through their designs. Prior to their current role, they worked as a Fashion Designer at Steddy Store and as a Freelance Graphic Designer and Content Specialist at Buttonscarves.

Tania Anjani Prabaningrum completed a Bachelor of Arts in Fashion/Apparel Design at Universitas Sebelas Maret from 2016 to 2020.


Jakarta, Indonesia

