Cacique Foods, LLC.


Established in 1973, Cacique® has affirmed itself as America's leader in Hispanic perishables. Our product offerings span from fresh cheeses, table creams, and processed cheese to cured meats and drinkable yogurts. Our company has a strong presence amongst the Hispanic population nationwide and enj... Read more




Org chart

Gil de Cardenas

Adam Goldman Dba
Senior Vice President Human Resources
Eddie Farkhondeh
Director Of IT
Julio Ramirez
Vice President, Information Technology
Jeff Suarez
Vice President Of Manufacturing
Christopher Iglesias
Vice President Of Strategy & Amarillo Site Director
Robert Hreha
Vice President Operations
Tirso Iglesias
Chief Operating Officer
Alberto Campos
Senior Vice President Of Sales
Jarred Cox
Process Engineer
Elva B. Rutledge
Accounts Receivable Credit Manager