Rafael Aloisio Freitas

First Secretary at Câmara Municipal do Rio de Janeiro

Rafael Aloisio Freitas is a dental surgeon graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), studied Law and a postgraduate degree in Public Management. He is exercising his third term as a councilor of Rio, occupying one of the most important functions of the Board of Directors of the City Council: that of First Secretary.

He is President of the Special Commission for the Master Plan, which will define the course of the city over the next ten years, and of the Special Commission in Defense of Bars and Restaurants, created during the pandemic to prevent the collapse of one of the main sectors of the Carioca economy. He also chaired the Chamber's Economic and Tax Development Committee.

Author of many relevant projects and laws related to the economic development of the city (industry, commerce, events, services), he is the son of the doctor and former councilor Aloisio Freitas, who was President of the City Council between 2007 and 2008.


  • C

    First Secretary

    Current role