Paul Holden

Paul has played a leadership role in Cambrian’s growth and success since his election to the Board in 1996. He brings expertise through his experience as the CEO of ECG Canada Group, where he ensures that the business community has access to the right people with the right skills. Prior to this role, Paul served as CEO of the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology and as Senior Executive Director, Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development with the Department of Jobs and the Economy. In this capacity Paul has worked hand in hand with the business community focusing on industry expansion and attraction, and human resources support.

Paul served as Chair of Cambrian’s Board of Directors from 2000 to 2014 and was Vice-Chair from 2014-2018. In addition, Paul is a member of the Governance and Nominating Committees and previously sat on the Audit Committee. Paul also serves as Chair for Credit Union Central of Manitoba's Board of Directors and is Chair of the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce.