The Fellowship and Coaching team at Camelback Ventures provides comprehensive support and guidance to underrepresented, early-stage entrepreneurs. This team mentors fellows through tailored coaching sessions, educational fellowships, and strategic alignment initiatives to help them overcome barriers and gain access to vital resources. The team’s efforts encompass a diverse range of expertise, including conscious technology, job initiatives, and network building, ensuring entrepreneurs are well-equipped to succeed and drive social innovation.
Abigail Hasberry
Education Fellowship Start-up ...
Anika Ofori
Good Jobs Initiative Fellow
Beverly Leon
Camelback Fellow
Brandi Biscoe Kenner
Camelback Ventures Conscious T...
Caroline Lutkewitte
Senior Lead, Search & Align, C...
Danielle Meltz
Associate, Camelback Fellowshi...
Eva Forde
Startup Coach
Michaela Subido
Associate, Search & Align, Cam...
Selam Kebrom
Senior Lead, Conscious Tech, C...
Yulkendy Valdez
Fellow And Alumni Contractor