Kevin McCormick


While most campers and parents anticipate the first summer at Dudley for months and prepare for weeks, #11871 Kevin McCormick arrived at Dudley in the Summer of 1975, three days after Dudleyite and YMCA Director Bob Stubbs offered him a scholarship position. He met the new Dudley director, Willie Schmidt, and was placed in Colgate cabin with a leader who was also new to Dudley, #11846 Tom Canning. It was the first of six summers of fun, growth, and broadening of horizons.

Three days after that final summer as a leader, Kevin was at Cornell University, where he studied biology, was a member of the swim team and met his wife Catherine “Kitty” Cantwell. He then moved south to Richmond where he found old Dudley friends and recruited a few new campers. In between Dudley Reunions, he picked up degrees in Gerontology, Anatomy, and Medicine before returning to New York for his residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Rochester. After completing a fellowship in Geriatrics, he joined the medical school faculty. He is still there caring for elderly patients, teaching, and providing administrative leadership. In recent years this has included serving as Chief Medical Officer for Jones Memorial Hospital in Wellsville, NY.