Catherine J. Durham

Business Valuation Analyst, Litigation Expert & Principal at Capital Valuation Group

Cathy Durham is a shareholder in Capital Valuation Group specializing in business valuation and litigation support services.

Her professional experience includes 20 years of appraising businesses, determining damages, and advising business owners on ways to increase the value of their business, or prepare their business for sale. She is experienced in testifying as an expert witness in both state and federal courts. Cathy also teaches on a number of topics relating to business valuation and litigation support.

Cathy obtained her BA degree in Education, cum laude, from Washington State University, and her executive MBA degree, summa cum laude, from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Cathy has served, or currently serves, on the Board of Directors for Meriter Hospital, the UW-Madison’s Nicholas Center for Applied Corporate Finance, the Madison Children’s Museum, Food Fight Group (a group of 18 restaurants in the Madison area), Midwest Business Brokers & Intermediaries, the Madison Downtown Rotary Club, and the Madison Rotary Foundation.
