Troy Bockelmann

Analyst at CattleFax

Troy grew up in the small farming communities of southwest Minnesota, spending summers working on the family dairy and grain farm, along with participating in 4-H, Boy Scouts, and training horses to show at local fairs. Troy graduated from Southwest Minnesota State University with his bachelor’s degree in agribusiness management. After moving to Colorado in 2013, Troy received his master’s degree in agricultural and resource economics at Colorado State University. His graduate research focused on agricultural finance and marketing, along with production economics.

In January 2016, Troy joined the CattleFax staff as an analyst. His primary responsibilities include; research and analysis with a focus on international trade and wholesale beef markets, as well as providing research and analytic support to the risk management and beef team.

Troy and his family enjoy traveling, fishing, camping, kayaking, and taking the jeep on back-country roads, enjoying all the outdoors that the Colorado mountains have to offer. Along with his agricultural background, Troy’s family is full of K-12 teachers.