

Ceebig Inc. is an International Business Consulting and Software Engineering company that focuses on start-up incubation, software engineering, business growth & expansion, custom business solutions and proprietary technology research and development.

Org chart

Ceebig DevOps



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Rebel and Grow

When we are frustrated with where we are at, we don’t just settle and accept fate, we rebel; we change the reality and we grow from it.

Be Passionate and Be Curious

We love and enjoy what we do, we want to be extraordinary and we are eager to acquire all the skills that take us there, so we could serve our customers better.

See Big and Dream Big

We are innovative individuals who always think outside the box; we envision the future and what we could achieve, and then we work backwards to implement our visions.

Take Ownership and Initiative

We treat each project as our own internal venture project, we care about your success as it will justify our success. We evaluate everything critically and take every opportunity to be extraordinary.

Go Above and Beyond

We don’t just do what we were asked to do, we reflect and we walk the extra mile to raise the bar, identify inefficiencies, explore enhancements and plan multiple steps ahead.

Insist on High Standards

Standards matter and we constantly raise them internally, we are proud to put our names behind every product and service we deliver to our customers.