Cellnex Telecom


Cellnex Telecom is Europe’s leading operator of wireless telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures with a portfolio of c.120,000 sites, 75,000 of them already in the portfolio and the rest in the process of closing or planned roll-outs up to 2028. Cellnex operates in Spain, Italy, Netherla... Read more


Madrid, Spain




Org chart

Marco Patuano

Thomas Bertrand
CEO of Cellnex, France
Federico Protto
CEO of Alpine Cluster, Italy, Switzerland & Austria
Santiago Argelich Hesse
CEO of Cellnex, Poland
Gianluca Landolina
CEO of Cellnex, UK
Alfonso Álvarez Villamarin
Country Ceo, Spain
Nuno Carvalhosa
CEO of West Cluster & Cellnex, Netherlands
Laura Parra
Global CISO
Simone Battiferri
Chief Operating Officer
Raimon Trias
Group CFO
Vincent Cuvillier
Chief Strategy Officer
Virginia Navarro Virgós
Legal M&A & Financing Director
Ignacio Jiménez Soler
Communication & Public Affairs Director
Daniel Pataki
Regulatory & EU Affairs Director
Jesús Pinelo Jiménez
Internal Audit Director
Fabio Estalote Rodríguez
Global HR Organization Senior Project Manager
Olivier Hafner
Human Resources Manager
Xavier Moyà
Energy Manager
Oscar Pallarols
Chief Commercial Officer At Cellnex Telecom
Ester Montorio
Head Of Marketing
Irene Vidal
Executive Assistant CEO / Board Of Directors At Cellnex Telecom