Nolan Hecht

Senior Managing Director & Head of Real Estate at Certares

Nolan Hecht is a Senior Managing Director & Head of Real Estate at Certares. Prior to joining Certares, he oversaw hotel investment (both opportunistic equity and debt origination strategies) and hotel asset management at Square Mile Capital Management. In this role, he was responsible for originating, structuring, underwriting, closing investments, and overseeing all asset management duties related to hospitality investments, including operating partner and franchise relationships. Nolan oversaw the creation and deployment of SMW Hospitality, a dedicated Hotel Fund, where he served on the Investment Committee.

Nolan is an active member of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) Investment Roundtable. Nolan received his Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration, where he serves as a member of the Advisory Board for the Center for Real Estate and Finance (CREF).