Andy Goodwin

Chief Sales And Marketing Officer | Co Owner at Cerule

Andy, a native New Zealander, brings over 30 years experience in this industry, spanning from his early days as a distributor of cosmetics, and worked his way through warehouse operations to customer service and finally management. He has extensive experience in the industry across multiple markets and languages. He has lived and conducted business in the UK, Europe, Russia, North America and Asia Pacific, and has even owned his own Company in this arena. He has been part of successful purchases and sales of previous Companies. His unique experience best positions him now to do what he loves and that is, creating the environment for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results, in all areas of life, health, wealth, and personal growth. He gets a huge sense of achievement when his team grow beyond their wildest dreams and realise just what they are capable of.

He is married with 2 children, a qualified ocean going skipper, adores boating and sailing, scuba diving and fishing, and in the winter loves to ski with his family.



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