Mauro Cretari

Senior IT Engineer at CIO Landing

Mauro has been with CIO Landing since 2016. His knowledge of computer operating systems and how they communicate is exceptional. Strategic thinking and strong business acumen are essential in his role.

No surprise as Mauro worked for SBS International as the Chief Technical Officer for four years. There he developed the company’s IT strategy ensuring that technologies were used efficiently, profitably and securely.

He studied System Engineering at the University of Salvador in Buenos Aires and stays current with continuing education courses. Mauro loves to digest everything Tech news related.

“Life is so much simpler using technology to communicate and automate as many things as possible around the house”. His app begins the day by setting the room temperature and starting up his computers and screens. Google is at his beckon call with a short “goodnight” which shuts off all lights, turns his phone to “Do not Disturb” mode, resets the room temperatures, the TV and switches.

Downtime includes a great game of chess or reading the latest on Tesla and the world's transition to sustainable energy with electric cars hoping one day to own one. Uruguay, Colombia and the Dominican Republic are places once visited, he would like to visit again. He is fluent in Spanish and English.


  • Senior IT Engineer

    Current role