Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata

Rina Ciputra Sastrawinata is the first daughter of Dr. (HC) Ir. Ciputra has been reappointed as Commissioner since 2017 pursuant to Deed No. 54 dated January 18, 2017. Prior to becoming Commissioner of the Company, she served as President Director of the Company (1983-1990), Commissioner of the Company (1990-1993), and Director of the Company (1993-2017). She was also the President and Director of Century 21 (a real estate broker company). Currently she also serves as Commissioner and Director in several companies under Ciputra Group, such as President Director of Ciputra Artpreneur Jakarta. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and an MBA degree from Claremont Graduate School, Los Angeles, USA. For her achievements, she has been awarded several awards including the Ordine della Stella d 'Italian Classe Cavaliere (2012), FIABCI Prix d' Excellence Award (2016), and Women Empowerment Award (2019).