Shehani Kulatunga

Shehani Kulatunga is one of the very first employees of CL Synergy (Pvt) Ltd, having joined the company since its inception in 2004. Having worked alongside Founder Roshan Silva at Care Logistics, she has since grown with CL Synergy, marking a total of 21 years, and counting in the industry. Currently, she holds the post of Director Business Development, having joined the company as an Executive.

In her words, she has seen the company grow from a tiny seed that was planted, into the magnificent and lush tree that it is today and held a myriad of posts at multiple levels during that journey. As is critical towards the success and sustainability of start-ups, employees are exposed to a myriad of areas and Shehani’s exposure has been no different. She has been actively involved across Operations, Customer Service, Finance and CSR for example. Her current responsibility as Director Business Development is to oversee the direct sales vertical. She is responsible for acquiring, managing, and fostering relationships with direct sales clients from within Sri Lanka, as well as the myriad of overseas markets that CL Synergy caters to.

Shehani is an individual who is ever eager to learn and grow, and continually exposes herself with the broader aspects of the company, including lending cross-functional assistance when required. She is intensely dedicated to her job and embraced the round-the-clock nature of the business that was particularly crucial during its initial years. She holds an International MBA from Birmingham University, as well as an MSc in Supply Chain Management from Asia University of Malaysia.


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