

ClearEstate is a one-stop-shop for all your estate planning and settlement needs. Our platform and experts will handle the entire settlement process.


Montreal, Canada




Org chart

Davide Pisanu's profile picture
Davide Pisanu
CEO, Co-Founder
Profile photo

Davide Pisanu

Alex Gauthier's profile picture
Alex Gauthier
Chief Revenue Office (CRO), Co-Founder
Pascal Brisset's profile picture
Pascal Brisset
CTO, Co-Founder
Bernardo Bressane's profile picture
Bernardo Bressane
Chief Experience Officer (CXO)
Patricia Prato-Casado's profile picture
Patricia Prato-Casado
Senior Director, Legal Affairs
Jean-Philippe Daunais' profile picture
Jean-Philippe Daunais
Chief Product Officer
Christina Arrizza Trickey's profile picture
Christina Arrizza Trickey
Senior Director, People, Talent & Culture
Simon DuBois' profile picture
Simon DuBois
Senior Director, Finance


Diversity & Inclusion

We value diverse people, cultures and opinions, and fundamentally believe that a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization is a stronger organization.

Genuine Care

We value people who are genuine and care about our vulnerable clients authentically.

Radical Accountability

We value self-starters that exemplify ownership, care about and contribute actively to the mission. They “show-up” everyday at every interaction they have and keep themselves and others accountable for the company’s success.

Growth Mindset

We value people who are self-aware, know their strength and weaknesses, and are constantly striving to learn and grow as individuals and team members.


We value people who communicate clearly and are transparent with each other.


We value team members who take the time to walk a mile in other people’s shoes and show it.

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