The Coaching and Training Team at Clermont Foot 63 is responsible for developing and implementing training programs, enhancing player performance, and strategizing game tactics. This team includes various roles such as educators, video analysts, physical and mental preparation experts, and coaches working collectively to optimize the skillset and fitness of both youth and professional players, ensuring they are well-prepared for competitive matches.
Anthony Scaramozzino
Specifique Gardien École De Fo...
Antoine Couhert
Préparation Mentale - Centre D...
Antoine Faydit
Analyste Vidéo - Equipe Profes...
Antoine Giacomoni
Analyste Vidéo
Arthur Desmas
Benjamin Rigod-Reymo...
Educateur + Préparateur Physiq...
Cedric Hountondji
Joueur De Football Professionn...
Faneva Ima Andriatsi...
Coach U-18 R1
Joffrey Eugene
Préparateur Physique Cf63 Fémi...
Lucas Vizet
Éducateur Stages De Perfection...
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