David Moult

Non-Executive Director at Coal Services Pty Limited

David Moult was appointed as a Director of Coal Services in January 2015. He was also appointed Chairman for the two-year period of 2016/17 and 2020/21.David’s career spans more than 40 years; starting as a mine manager with the British Coal and RJB Mining PLC (UK Coal PLC) in 1979. In 1995, David commenced with Joy Mining Machinery; a move that took him to Pittsburgh, USA, and then Australia in 1997. He joined Centennial Coal Company Limited in 1998 as the General Manager, Operations, and subsequently assumed the role of Chief Operating Officer before being appointed to Managing Director and CEO in July 2011 through to April 2017.

David is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Yancoal Australia Limited; Director of the Minerals Council of Australia; Director of the NSW Minerals Council and a member of the University of NSW Education Trust Advisory Committee. He was previously an Independent Non-Executive Director of Yancoal Australia Limited; a Non-Executive Director of Centennial Coal Company Limited; Chairman of the Australian Coal Association Low Emissions Technologies Limited Board (ACALET); and Australian Coal Association (ACA).