Ira Gottlieb

Director at Commonwealth Care Alliance

Ira Gottlieb is chief lead project officer at United Medical Center and senior advisor at Mazars USA, LLP, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mazars group, which is an international accounting, audit, tax, and advisory services organization. From 2012 to 2019, Mr. Gottlieb was a principal in Mazar’s healthcare practice. Prior to this position, Mr. Gottlieb founded and was the chief executive officer of Creative Health Concepts, Inc., a healthcare consulting and solutions company, from 1989 until the company was sold to Mazars USA, LLP in 2012. Mr. Gottlieb has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry with a specialty in the managed care market segment on both the payer and provider side of healthcare delivery. He has provided managed care consultative services to national, regional, and local payers; healthcare plans; hospitals; and hospital systems. In addition, he has extensive experience in government programs for Managed Medicare and Medicaid Exchange and value-based payments. Currently, Mr. Gottlieb is leading a management contract for Mazars to restructure United Medical Center, a public safety net hospital in Washington DC. Mr. Gottlieb also founded and was owner and chief executive officer of Creative Management Strategies, Inc., a national retained healthcare executive search firm specializing in “C-Suite” assignments for health plans and hospitals. He also served as a sponsor representative on the Healthfirst Board of Directors for five years. Mr. Gottlieb was also a CEO and chairman of two trade organizations: the New York Employment Council and the Association of Personal Consultants of New York.

Mr. Gottlieb has a bachelor’s degree from the City University of New York.


  • Director

    Current role