Robert J Hacker

Senior Accountant at Composites One

Robert J Hacker has held various accounting roles throughout their career. Robert J started as an Accountant at BFI in 1995 and worked there until 2000. Following that, they joined APAC Customer Services, Inc. as a Senior Staff Accountant from 2000 to 2007. Since 2007, they have been working at Composites One LLC & Synergy55, Inc. as a Senior Accountant.

Robert J Hacker attended Knox College from 1973 to 1977. During their time at Knox College, they earned a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. Robert J also obtained a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree with a field of study in Art. Some specific details regarding their degree are not available.



  • Senior Accountant

    April, 2007 - present

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