Carlos Maldonado

Founder & Chief Learning Architect at Connect For Education

Carlos brings a unique and varied background to the company. After graduating in Piano Performance from the Royal College of Music in London, England, he achieved recognition as an award-winning classical pianist touring Europe, the US, and Latin America. He then returned to the academic world to combine his interest in technology with his love of music and teaching, and received a Ph.D. in Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has taught at the National Pedagogic University and Los Andes University, in Bogotá, Colombia, the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and as Assistant Professor of Music Technology and Director of Online Education at California State University, Northridge. In 2001, he co-founded C4E, combining music, instructional technology, and business to create the leading source of online educational materials in the United States. Over the past 15 years, Carlos has been a leading figure in the development of online learning platforms. He has participated in many industry panels and symposia and presented ideas on the future of online education. His deep understanding and experience continue to drive C4E’s cutting-edge platform and tools forward.