Luis Alonso Robas Sánchez

Vice Comptroller of Sectoral & Territorial Control at Contraloría General de la República del Perú

Luis Alonso Robas Sánchez has his Master's of Laws in International Business and Economic Law from Georgetown University Law Center (Washington DC). Lawyer from the Antenor Orrego Private University of Trujillo. Graduated from the Master's Degree in Business Law from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). Fulbright Foundation Scholar (2015 – 2016). He has specializations in Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions (at the IDB and at the Universidad del Pacífico), in Finance (at the Banking Training Institute - Asbanc and at ESAN). He has worked in the National Superintendence of Public Registries – Registry Zone No. V, in the Budget Commission and General Account of the Republic of the Congress of the Republic, in the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in the Supervisory Body of Transportation Infrastructure for Public Use – OSITRAN,