Contraloría General de la República del Perú


The Comptroller General's mission is to direct and supervise government control efficiently and effectively, directing its actions towards the strengthening and transparency of the management of entities, the promotion of values ​​and the responsibility of public officials and servants, as well as... Read more





Org chart

Humberto Bernardo Ramírez Trucios
Vice Comptroller of Integrity & Control
Luis Alonso Robas Sánchez
Vice Comptroller of Sectoral & Territorial Control
María Antonieta Canales Moscoso
Corporate Communication Manager
Felipe Alfredo Chacón Tapia
Prevention & Performance Audit Manager
Juan Del Carmen Haro Muñoz
Megaproject Control Manager
Amparo Ortega Campana
Information Technology Manager
Gonzalo Gabriel Wurst De La Vega
Manager of the Interinstitutional Relations Management
Eli Walter Puente Astuhuaman
Junín Regional Control Manager
César Enrique Aguilar Surichaqui
Member of the Superior Court of Administrative Responsibilities
Ana Kimena Leyva Wong
Member of the Superior Court of Administrative Responsibilities
Richard Frank León Vargas
Member of the Superior Court of Administrative Responsibilities
Carlos Aníbal Malca Maurolagoitia
Member of the Superior Court of Administrative Responsibilities
Mónica Roxana Rosell Medina
Member of the Superior Court of Administrative Responsibilities
Jeniffer Pérez Pinillos
Deputy Manager, Anti-Corruption Observatory