Lenora Reid-Rose

Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives, Partnerships & Community Connectedness at CCSI

Ms. Reid-Rose leads CCSI’s work in the areas of Cultural Competence and Health Equity. With more than two decades of experience in the behavioral health field, she has served as a consultant and educator at the state, regional and national levels. Ms. Reid-Rose has extensive expertise in developing and implementing cultural competence assessments, training initiatives, and programs – helping agencies understand where they are on the continuum of cultural competence and then identifying critical changes in policy, practice, education and training needed to support continued progress. Lenora is also adept in the areas of organizational development, data analytics, and research especially as it relates to cultural competence, social determinants of health and health equity. She also brings with her a well-established network of national experts that she routinely taps to remain informed and knowledgeable regarding research, advances, best practices and emerging works.

Ms. Reid-Rose’s experience spans across local, state and national levels. She has served as co-director of the Nathan Kline Center of Excellence, focused on establishing community-defined and practice-based evidence for cultural groups and as a member of the New York State Office of Mental Health Multicultural Advisory Committee. She is a current member of the NYS Minority Health Council, which guides the preservation and improvement of minority health in NYS and advises the Commissioner of Health on these issues. Ms. Reid-Rose is the former Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of the New York State Association for Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services (NYAPRS) and continues to serve on various NYAPRS committees as well as on the Diversity Committee and Membership Committee of The College for Behavioral Health Leadership (formerly, American Association of Mental Health Administrators.) She was instrumental in the creation of, and continues to administer, the Prevention, Access, Self-Empowerment, and Support (PASS) program, that supports families and youth through an immersive experience that aims to improve the psychosocial, educational, family interaction, and community outcomes of youth, and instills in them the need to be accountable for their own lives by taking ownership of their behaviors and actions.


Rochester, United States

