The Research and Analytics team at C+R Research specializes in designing and implementing innovative custom methodologies to solve complex marketing questions. They conduct both qualitative and quantitative research, offering insights through traditional, online, mobile, and community-based platforms. This team also provides advanced analytical insights and visual reporting, ensuring that clients receive detailed, actionable intelligence to drive brand growth. Their work covers a range of consumer segments including youth, family, Latino, and multicultural markets, and leverages expertise in shopper insights and omnichannel consumer behaviors.
Alex Malhiot
Director, Online Immersion Ope...
Amy Ryan
Senior Director, Advanced Anal...
Ashleigh Williams
Senior Director, Online Qualit...
Audrey Tripp
Quantitative Research Senior A...
Brendan Sanok
Online Qualitative Research Se...
Christy E.
Senior Quantitative Analyst
Gretchen Hower
Vice President, Advanced Analy...
Jerica Accetta
Research Director
Rebecca Garnache
Senior Manager, Visual Reporti...
Will J.
Online Community Health Manage...
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