Howard A. Sherman

Senior Publicist at CrowdFund Buzz

Howard has a hands-on philosophy working directly with clients on crowdfunding promotion and public relations as well as all the ordinary day-to-day operations of CrowdFundBuzz.Com. He is a proud member of the Public Relations Society of America and strictly adheres to the PRSA code of ethics in everything he does.

Howard took over the reins from company founder Matt Cooke in November 2013. He has studied under marketing Grandmaster Dan Kennedy (“The Millionaire Maker”) earning the title of “Associate Professor of Harsh Reality” Howard and his plain spoken No B.S. approach to crowdfunding PR, business, and life will vastly improve your chances of crowdfunding success. He has also learned extensively with copywriting legend John Carlton and has successfully sold products and services via the web for over 25 years. Howard has also learned directly from sales training legends Tom Hopkins and Brian Tracy empowering him with an extensive array of sales, marketing and technical skills to help crowdfunders close the deal on more backers. Speaking of education, Howard holds degrees in management & accounting. All told Howard is a business world powerhouse.

One of Howard’s greatest superpowers is his ability to observe, think and strategize. Howard is proud to be a research contributor to The University of Cambridge’s Judge Business School and Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business on the subjects of fintech and crowdfunding. Howard is also proud to be the only crowdfunding public relations professional to hold IMDB film credits. One of his biggest thrills is seeing a client succeed.


  • Senior Publicist

    Current role