Bob Kain

Advisor at CureMatch

Bob is a seasoned entrepreneur, experienced R&D leader, and biotech executive. He retired from Illumina in 2014 as Chief Engineering Officer, after 15 years of service. Illumina is the market leader in the genomics industry and is known for its industry-leading strategic decision-making, focused execution, and world-class product development. He has over 30 years of experience in genomics systems development and in implementing corporate product development and technology development processes. Among other endeavors, Bob founded Mesa Rim Climbing and Fitness Center and co-founded LunaPBC, a health and genomic data discovery services platform, where individuals, communities, and researchers partner to drive health and quality of life discoveries. He is currently focused on corporate advising and nonprofit board work.

Bob received a Bachelor of Science degree from San Diego State University in physics, with a math minor, and an MBA from Saint Mary’s College of California.
