DAL Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing


Understand. Create. Implement. With tailor-made asset financing solutions. As a financial manufacturer for durable and large-volume assets, we offer our customers tailor-made, demand-optimized financing solutions and a high level of transaction security on both a project and corporate basis. There... Read more

Org chart

Andreas Geue

Andreas Geue

Gerald Wiencke
Head Of Transport & Logistics
Ekaterina Steklyannikova
Head Of Internal Audit
Dominic Durm
Regionalleiter Großgeschäft Firmenkunden Süd
Dominik Franz
Vertriebsleiter Infrastruktur Und Versorgung International / Head Of Energy And Infrastructure
Michael Pistohl
Vertriebsleiter Großgeschäft Firmenkunden Nord
Tanja Wirth
Thomas Kempe
Vertriebsleiter Grossgeschäft Firmenkunden West
Holger Würk
Geschäftsführer DAL Real Estate Management Gmbh