Aaron Boerger, Business and Digital Architect

President and Founder at Defined Ventures

Aaron Boerger has extensive professional experience in business and digital architecture. Aaron began their career in 2002 as the C.O.O. of Nationwide Merchants Inc., a company specializing in the collection and processing of NSF checks and accounts. In 2003, they took on the role of Managing Director at Boerger & Chisholm Enterprises. In 2006, they became C.O.O. and C.S.O. of Conquer Credit Management, Inc., a company that helps individuals and companies navigate the complexities of FICO scoring. In 2008, they became C.O.O. of Legend FX, Inc., a multimedia technologies company. Finally, in 2009, they became President and Founder of Defined Ventures, Inc., a business that helps companies identify and implement the right systems and solutions for their unique needs.

Aaron Boerger has been attending the School of Hard Knocks since 1995. Aaron is currently still enrolled.
