Doreswamy Nandkishore

Director at Delfi Ltd

Nandu was appointed as an independent director of our company on 3rd January 2017. He has 35 years of global experience in leadership roles across a diverse set of environments across both emerging and developed global markets. Nandu was an executive board member of Nestlé S.A from 2010 to 2015, responsible before his retirement for Asia, Oceania and Africa, and earlier as the global CEO for Nestlé Nutrition, in charge of markets all over the world including the USA, Europe and Latam.

Nandu is currently an Executive Fellow at the London Business School.

Nandu also holds directorships at Ltd, Tiserin Capital Management, I & N Developmental Investments Ltd.

Nandu is Chairman of our Market Sustainability & Strategy Committee and a member of our Remuneration and Nominating Committees.