Design Bridge and Partners



Design Bridge and Partners is a revolutionary design partnership, redefining what design is and what design can do for brands, businesses, people and the planet. With 850 people in 12 countries, our expertise includes strategy, identity, brand experience and brand guardianship. Globally, clients inc... Read more





Org chart

John Morris
Group CEO

John Morris

Marcelo Bicudo
CEO, Brazil
Emma Follett
Group Chief Creative Officer
Greg Quinton
Group Chief Creative Officer
Cristina Tazza
Group EVP of Strategy
Birgitte Woehlk
Chief People & Culture Officer
Alex Spark
Group Chief Financial Officer
Ross Clugston
Chief Creative Officer
Nick Dunton
Group Chief Finance Officer
Nikki Lin
Managing Director, Shanghai
Mark Budden
Chairman, Asia
Rebekah Pagis
President, North America
Alex Cerrutti
Managing Director, Singapore
Amy Golding
Managing Director, UK
Pilar Domingo
Managing Director, Madrid
Josh Griffin
Managing Director, North America
Jeff Hughes
Group IT Director