

DJUST is the next generation of cloud B2B platform.


Paris, France




Org chart

Arnaud Rihiant

Alexis Delplanque
Co-Founder & Head of Sales
Eric Gaudin
Co-founder - Tech & Product
Julien Béranger
Head of Operations
Matthieu Blot
Senior Product Manager
Guy Barros
Account Executive
Marie Balandreau
Solution Consultant & Project Manager
Marie Girardeau
Solution Consultant & Project Manager
Christelle Jakomulski
Solution Consultant & Project Manager
Nesrine Driwech
Senior Software Engineer, Lead Software Developer
Landry Agbaholou
Senior Software Engineer, Lead Software Developer
Sylvain Fischer
Senior Software Engineer, Lead Software Developer
Nicolas Bellème
Senior Software Engineer, Lead Software Developer
Chetana Yin
Senior Software Engineer, Lead Software Developer
Arlin Zejnati
Customer Service, Leading Software Support
Thibault Roussin
Software Engineer, Back End Developer
François Le Fur
Software Engineer, Back End Developer
Marc Bannout
Software Engineer, Back End Developer
Antoine Roussin
Software Engineer, Back End Developer
Raphael Rey
Software Engineer, Back End Developer
Sami Baccouche
Software Engineer, Front End Developer
Theophile Grimault
Software Engineer, Front End Developer
Allane Vong
Software Engineer, Front End Developer
Thomas Bury
Software Engineer, Devops Engineer