The Engineering and Technical Roles team at Dolphin Design is responsible for the development and optimization of semiconductor designs, focusing on various integrated circuit functions such as data converters, regulators, and custom solutions. This team collaborates on ASIC and SoC design, leveraging expertise in areas like computer-aided design, application engineering, and power management to ensure high-performance and innovative products. Additionally, they provide technical support and architecture guidance, facilitating seamless integration of artificial intelligence and processing capabilities into designs.
Boubkar Boulahia
ASIC Design Manager
Carlioz David
Senior Field Application Engin...
Charaf B.
Senior Computer Aided Design E...
Charles Roy
Technical Director Power Manag...
Michael Populin
ASIC PMO Manager
Mohamed Siala
Senior IC Layout Engineer
Olivier Montfort
Processing & AI System Archite...
Souhir Mhira
Lead Application Engineer
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