George Mckinnis

Advisor at DomaniSystems

Mr. McKinnis has been a Senior Justice since 1994 for the Bronxville Justice Court with criminal, civil, vehicle, and traffic, and landlord/tenant jurisdiction. He was also the Managing Partner of McKINNIS LAW OFFICES (Bronxville, Shelton, CT, and NYC), from 1987 to 2016. His practice concentrated on high technology clients and transactions for which he handled high-tech hardware and software startups as a lawyer and sometimes as a founding partner as well as mergers and acquisitions. Judge McKinnis was a Senior Headquarters Lawyer at ITT Corporation, NYC, NY, for 14 years, where he was responsible for overseas telecommunications transactions, domestic electronics, computer systems, and software companies as well as management of domestic contracts administration. Judge MCKinnis received his BA from the University of Oklahoma and JD from the University of Michigan Law School. He also graduated from the Parker School of Comparative Law, Columbia University, and the Harvard Law School Summer Course for graduate lawyers. He has an Honorable Discharge from the Army of the United States as an Infantry Captain with two tours of duty. He retired from law practice in August of 2016.