Dominion Technologies Group, Inc.


Dominion Technologies Group, founded in 1965, is a market leader in final line tooling and equipment for the worldwide automotive industry. Dominion has grown from its humble beginnings when 3 German toolmakers, with a vision to bring old world craftsmanship to Detroit, started business in a rented... Read more




Org chart

Frank Edward Lashier
Owner / President

Frank Edward Lashier

Scott Strader
Vision & TPMS Product Manager
Ken Vallis
Manager, Advanced Controls Engineering And Technical Center
Scott Wieckowski
Controls Manager
Frank Lashier
Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Haio
Group Manager - Tire & Wheel Assembly & End Of Line Systems
Doug Doyle
General Manager
Ronald Ditchie
Manufacturing Plant Manager
Michael Murray
Industrial Electrician
Tim Phalen
Senior Hardware Controls Engineer