Tim Kirchoff

Lead Designer & Developer at E9digital

Web designers have a unique set of skills. They have to be highly digital and detail oriented, but also capable of thinking out how to compartmentalize information, so that the company’s story is presented both logically and in a visually compelling way.

Tim was born as one of these people. When he was an infant in Kansas, he made it known that he wanted bolder crib colors. She will skip his happy youth until university, when he went to Fort Hays State in Kansas City and received a BSc, already firmly on the informational design and web track.

After graduation, he worked for Plattform Ad Agency in Lenexa, KS where he worked on digital ad campaigns. She know that at some point he materialized again in New York City, because they hired him.

Now he designs amazing websites for the clients. He knows a massive number of programs that enable this. In his spare time, he enjoys making music, participating in sports and taking “road trips,” having visited 40 of the 50 states. Unfortunately, now that he’s working for us, these trips have come to an end. The clients like his work too much.
