Thomas Vollmoeller

Born in Tübingen, Germany in 1960, Thomas was Chief Executive Officer at New Work SE (until May 31, 2020), a leading professional business network with over 17 million users, in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). He is also currently Board Member at both Ravensburger AG and Conrad Electronic SE.

Previously, Thomas Vollmoeller held several key executive and non-executive positions such as Chief Executive Officer at Valora Holding AG, a publicly-traded international trading company; and – among other functions – as Chief Financial Officer at Tchibo GmbH, one of Germany’s largest retail chains.

Thomas Vollmoeller received a Doctorate from the University of St. Gallen and a Diploma from the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim.

Thomas was appointed as Independent Director by the Shareholders Meeting held on September 30th 2019, his mandate effective as of 1st January 2020.