As president of Sager Electronics, Frank Flynn is responsible for the execution of the company's strategic growth plans. He works closely with his team to drive sales growth and to promote operational excellence.

Frank joined Sager Electronics in 1983 and was appointed president in 1999. Prior to assuming the position of president, Frank served as COO, CFO, and director of corporate development. Since becoming president, Frank has led the company through a period of unprecedented change, bringing focus and structure to Sager's market position, customer base and sales strategy. Frank is credited with the acquisition of West Coast distributor CalSwitch, which solidified Sager as a national distributor. He drove the company’s implementation of a new ERP system and its move to build a new state-of-the-art distribution center.

Frank holds a B.A. in Economics from Harvard University and a MBA in Finance and Marketing from UCLA's Anderson School of Management.